
In determining my fees, I also consider the following factors:

  • complexity and significance of the matter
  • level of professional skill and experience required
  • results achieved

On your accounts will appear the Harmonized Sales Tax. All accounts are due on delivery. Interest accrues on the unpaid balance after 30 days.

I maintain a record of the time spent working on your file. This time is billed at my hourly rate in effect at the time I enter into a retainer agreement with you. When I log my time spent working on your behalf, I record all the work I perform, including meetings with you and others, telephone calls, correspondence, e-mails, legal research, and any necessary travel time.

Because you are paying for my time, you can help reduce the fees by being prepared. Your preparation may include writing out a chronology of the events of your case, organizing your documents in logical order, writing the names and addresses of all relevant parties and potential witnesses. You may also write out the specific questions which you want answered.

When meeting with me, talk to me about all the facts, whether they are positive or negative for your case. You may write to me or even send e-mails whenever possible; this may help reduce the time spent talking on the telephone.

Raymond H. Gouin
2276 St. Joseph Blvd
Orléans, ON
K1C 1E8

Phone: (613) 830-0681
Fax: (613) 830-4826
Email: raymond@raymondgouin.com